Sunday, January 4, 2009

Politics and Self-esteem

The election of Obama made my self-esteem go up. hahahaha. I was very surprised with myself when I realized this. It's hard being abroad and being from the States, (in some ways). I spent most of Bush's two terms abroad. During his first term, I was in Spain a year where many Spaniards personally blamed me for Bush's election. I AM that powerful. It was all my doing.

Then I came to Chile. I actually voted against Bush from Chile (I did my part), but he was re-elected and I've spent all of his second term in Chile. Chileans realize most Statesians abroad don't like Bush, so I haven't been personally blamed for him being in office, but I still have felt I've had to explain that half of Statesians are freaking idiots for electing him a second time. Duh. But now, Obama is president-elect. I don't have to explain a thing. I'm actually content with our president-elect, as is most of the world, (or so it seems). And while he only got like 50% of the vote, he won!!! And that's what counts. I'm looking forward to him taking office.

And I still can't get over that my self-esteem has gone up. Really, this shouldn't affect that since I'm not personally responsible for either presidents' elections.


lydia said...

the day after the election was the only day in my life i have ever even considered it would be nice to wear something or somehow show US pride.

unfortunately, every previous day of my life i hadn't felt said pride and never bought anything fitting that description that could've possibly served me that day.

however, i feel less hesitant to say my nationality now, thats for sure.

Maeskizzle said...

Yeah, I haven't felt much pride for the States either. Perhaps I did as a child, I can't remember. But last year's election day was a happy one.